Great Info for Other Ag Lawyers – Survey Results!

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

A few weekends ago, I asked my blog, Facebook and Twitter followers to take a very short survey on their use of lawyers.  In only 36 hours, I got some great results.  I used it for the presentation below that I gave at the Ohio Agriculture Law Symposium.  A more in-depth survey could be of great use to the agriculture law community.  Nonetheless, I think the survey gives a nice snapshot to the use of lawyers in the agriculture community.

Take home points:  the agriculture community works with lawyers they know and trust or are referred to them by someone they know and trust.  Interestingly, agriculture clients want more flat fee arrangements. How to became a lawyer that the agriculture community knows and trusts?  Well, that’s the million dollar question.

[slideshare id=22716037&doc=stategiesfordevelopingandretainingagclients-130609192112-phpapp02]

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