Animal Law Student Writing Competition

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I am a member of Committee on Animals and the Law (“CAL”) for the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”).  Last spring, I was appointed as a member of the subcommittee for the Student Writing Competition.  The subcommittee is pleased to announce the Third Annual Student Writing Competition.  The deadline for submission is June 15, 2010.  Law students (including JD, LLM, PhD and SJD candidates) are invited to submit to CAL an article concerning any area of animal law.  Last year, the essays were primarily about companion animal issues so it would be great for some law student to write about legal issues affecting farm animals.  The first place winner will receive a $1000 scholarship while the second place winner will be receiving a $500 scholarship.

To be eligible for consideration, the law student must be currently enrolled (including both full and part-time programs) in an ABA-accredited law school.  3L’s who are expecting to recieve their degree in 2010 are also welcome to participate.  The essay must be written by only one student– i.e., papers jointly written by more than one student or that have been subjected to line editing by professors and/or advisers will not be eligible.  Additionally, the paper cannot have been previously published in any form.

Please email me if you are interested in receiving additional information on the length, format, and submission requirements.  The subcommittees will be contacting each of the law schools individually to speak to animal law professors, animal law student groups, and/or deans.  Would love for those interested in animal law issues as it applies to the agriculture industry to submit essays!

You can also visit the CAL’s blog here or read the latest version of the CAL’s Laws and Paws newsletter here.

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