Ask Cari: 3 Things Families Should Consider During COVID-19 Pandemic and Shelter in Place

Rincker LawEstate Planning, Family/Matrimonial Law

Our phones have been ringing off the hook during this pandemic – we have all been affected by this virus and it’s times like now that remind us about what is important in life.  Here are 3 considerations/ reminders during this time:

  1. Parenting Time During Shelter in Place- Most states have carve-outs during the shelter in place for parenting time.  Speak to a lawyer licensed in your jurisdiction.  As a general rule, parents should be following all orders regarding custody and visitation.
  2. Virtual Mediation – If you have a dispute either in court or outside of court, then consider hiring a mediator who conducts “virtual mediation” using Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype, etc.  I’ve been conducting meditations using this medium and it’s worked great.
  3. Estate Plan – Now is a great time to make sure your estate plan is done, updated and organized including a Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorneys (for health and financial issues), Living Will, and a trust, if appropriate.  Update your “In Case of Emergency” list.

Rincker Law is here to serve!  The Champaign and New York office phone numbers are getting forwarded to Cari’s cell at the moment while we are all working from home.  Jill can be contacted at the Shelbyville phone number (217) 774-1343.  We will all get through this together.  

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