Debrief of AALA Conference

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As I stated in this previous post, I spent last Thursday thru Saturday at the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Conference in Williamsburg, Virginia.  Next year’s conference will be held in Omaha, Nebraska.  I find conferences like this rejuvenating.  It’s great to meet other agriculture attorneys around the country to help strengthen a passion for agriculture law.  As I mentioned …

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Will Be Attending the 2009 AALA Conference

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I will be attending the 2009 American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Conference held in Williamsburg, Virgina this Friday, September 25th, and Saturday, September 26th.  AALA has an exciting round of speakers and panelists this year.  I am excited to listen to some of the most renown experts in agriculture law speak on a wide breadth of issues affecting farmers and …

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The Indictment of Ernest Paragallo

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As I mentioned in this blog, Ernest Paragallo was arrested last spring for the malnourishment and neglect of horses on Long Island, New York.  177 race horses were seized from his property and he was charged with 35 misdemeanor counts. After studying the indictment, Paragollo’s 35 misdemeanor counts are an alleged violation of Section 353 of the Agriculture and Markets …

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Where Were You on 9-11?

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Eight years ago on this day I was in Des Moines, Iowa eating breakfast at the National Barrow Show.  I was on the livestock judging team at Texas A & M University and we had finished a competitive collegiate pig judging contest the previous day.  I remember a woman working in the kitchen coming out and telling us that a …

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Farmers’ Markets in the Tri-State Area

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Though I love all types of agriculture production and sales, I have always been a fan of farmers’ markets.  Perhaps its because I grew up helping my grandparents shuck fresh corn-on-the-cob, pick pumpkin blossoms, and sell cherry tomatoes to neighbors, but have always felt that farmers’ markets are a great way for the American consumer to reconnect with the amazing …

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