Discussion on the Book “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer

Rincker LawAg Book Club, Social Media and Technology

The post office finally delivered my copy of Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer.  I ordered it last week on Amazon so I am now ready to start reading.  I have been pushing off reading this book because I knew it would be a “tough read.”  However, I believe that it is very important for the agriculture industry to read and try to understand the arguments being made in these types of books so that we (the agriculture community) can better address the concerns of the public.

This book came out last fall after the cover story in Time Magazine about modern agriculture.  Many have proclaimed that this book has made them change to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle.  However, there are quite a few critics of Foer’s book as well.

No matter your viewpoint, if you are interested in joining the discussion please either email me at cari@rinckerlaw.com or RSVP here.  The discussion will be on Wednesday, April 28th from 8-11pm ET.  Tenatively, the discussion will be on a Skype conference call so it can truly be a “discussion.”  I have to admit that I have never used Skype before so I might need some assistance with those of you who are blessed with the skill of technology.  I hope to make a few test runs between now and then so please stay tuned for confirmation.

If this book doesn’t interest you but you may be interested in the future, feel free to join the Facebook group here.

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