Guide to Urban Farming in New York

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Links and Online Resources, Teaching

As this post is published this morning, I will be lecturing at New York University on land use law, the Right-to-Farm, and urban agriculture to my undergraduate food law class.  I assigned the Guide to Urban Farming in New York by Cornell Cooperative Extension Small Farms Program and finally had a chance to review the publication in detail.  The summary of urban livestock laws in selected cities and towns in urban and suburban areas throughout New York was especially useful.  Although the example urban farm lease in the publication didn’t illustrate some of the complex issues that urban farmers deal with, I thought the publication did a great job hitting the myriad of issues that urban farmers face.  It’s a great resource for anyone involved in New York #urbanag.

That said, I highly suggest that urban farmers consult a lawyer licensed in their jurisdiction to ascertain what legal issues apply to their operation.

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