How to Handle Visits from Non-Police Officers in New York

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations 4 Comments

On Page 12 of this month’s Grassroots published by the New York Farm Bureau (“NYFB”) you will find my article titled “How to Handle Visits from Non-Police Officers.”  I also posted the article on JD Supra.  I encourage New York livestock producers to read this article, previous blogs on the topic, and my outline on farm animal cruelty laws in New York.

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Comments 4

  1. Hi Cari,

    First and foremost, let me say I enjoy reading your blog. Rinker Law’s Food and Agriculture Law Blog is insightful, professional, and a friend to production agriculture. I am a graduate student at Oklahoma State University pursuing a Master of Agriculture in International Agriculture. I am currently taking a course entitled, Communicating Ethical Issues in Agriculture. While in this class, I am being educated about the gap between the truth of production agriculture and the common misconceptions. I was unaware of the magnitude of this food movement, if you will, that has portrayed production agriculture as detrimental to animals and people. I was also unknowledgeable of the increasing amount of literature and documentaries contributing to a ‘new perception’ about production agriculture; i.e., motivated by profit rather than by traditional animal care values, detrimental to animal welfare, etc.

    With that said, your article “How to Handle Visits from Non-Police Officers in New York” was very interesting and informative for livestock producers, especially in the New York area. Due to growing curiosity and concern by animal activists, I understand how livestock owners could be confused about the difference between individuals from the SPCA with a valid warrant versus members from other animal societies who do not have a valid warrant, or provide a false warrant. Your tips how to handle this situation – ask for identification, ask for the warrant, read the warrant carefully, no video cameras, and take notes during the inspection – arm livestock producers with guidance that will protect themselves and their operations. I am confident livestock producers need to be responsive to this ‘new perception’ and give positive and informative feedback about production agriculture. However, it is imperative our farmers and ranchers are equipped with legal skills that will allow them to appropriately handle potential search and seize situations.

    I look forward to reading more of your articles and further posts. Thank you for your expertise.


  2. Jennifer-

    Thank you so much for kind words. There is a growing trend of animal groups stopping by farms requesting to view the property and/or livestock. It is important that livestock producers understand their rights and speak to an attorney about the best plan of action for their particular livestock operation under their state’s law.


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