Looking to Start or Build a Family/Divorce Mediation Practice?

Rincker LawAlternative Dispute Resolution, Family/Matrimonial Law, Mediation services, Seminars

Justine Borer


I have loved my family and divorce mediation part of my practice over the last few years. In particular, I strongly believe in the divorce mediation process.  I recently met Justine Borer, a well-established family and divorce mediator in New York City, and she recommended her seminar titled “Practical Tips for Family and Divorce Mediators.”  Although focused on the New York divorce mediation process, the materials are easily applicable to anyone with a family mediation practice.  The seminar is available for purchase here.

As Justine eloquently pointed out, most mediation courses focuses on the skill-set required to do the actual mediation.  However, there is very little information available on the business of managing a mediation practice.  Justine’s DVD goes through (1) handling the initial phone call from one spouse, (2) the initial consultation, (3) communication with the clients about the mediation process, (4) drafting the stipulation of settlement, (5) distinguishing reviewing/consulting attorneys, (6) getting retained by one party for the uncontested divorce, and (7) marketing the mediation practice.

Justine has also built a strong prenuptial agreement practice in New York City and is a “mover and shaker” in the NYC matrimonial law and mediation community.

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