Meditation Retreat for Lawyers

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I was quoted in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal about the mediation retreat for lawyers that I attended last month at the Garrison Institute.  An attorney friend here in New York City talked me into attending a few months ago after I was complaining to her about stress.  The retreat was at the Garrison Institute in Garrison, New York (near West Point and Anthony Nose, which I hiked last January). Before attending this retreat, I had only attended one mediation class while on vacation in Miami.  Attending this retreat changed my life and I was reminded of the importance of mindfulness.  Especially in New York, we are all in a hurry.. all the time.  It’s nice to take a moment and be at peace.  I still have much room for improvement but I am trying to practice exercise mediation in the morning, take a mindful lunch followed with some walking mediation, and if I feel stress to stop and take a moment to breath.  I want to implement more prayerful meditation to my life as well.

For my readers that are attorneys, I have learned that in order to take care of other people, attorneys have to first take care of yourself.  It’s hard sometimes to remember that.  Taking time to meditate is just one of many things lawyers should be doing for themselves including eating healthy, exercise, drinking plenty of water (I know I drink too much coffee!), spending time with friends and family.  I know for me, I feel like my life is like a table with 4 legs:  (1) career, (2) physical health, (3) religion, and (4) social health.  When one leg is off balance, it throws everything else in my life off.

I thought you would enjoy a few more pictures from the retreat (it was great to spend some time in the great outdoors!):


Attorneys preparing to do Qi Gong to start the day


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