It’s been a long time since I have posted a blog full of links to the work of other agriculture and legal bloggers — I have had a very hectic spring. It’s a beautiful day here New York City. Having some quality time with my coffee and catching up on blogs via Google Reader this morning and then taking a long walk/run around Central Park. (However, after seeing this blog, I wish I was in the Texas sun today). Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
1. As my regular readers can attest, I have raved the benefits of Twitter for the agriculture community on this blog (you can read my Twitter 101 guide for livestock producers here). However, let’s not forget the power of good ol’ fashioned listserves as a way to generate discussion and share information. I am part of several listserves myself through agriculture organizations and bar associations and have found it to be a powerful networking and discussion tool.
2. This blog lead me to a great article on Temple Grandin in the Washington Post. I met Temple in person for the first time last February — she was at *my* Barnes & Noble on 86th and Lexington on the Upper East Side for a book signing of “Thinking in Pictures: My Life With Autism” before the film “Temple Grandin” was released on HBO. I have always admired Dr. Grandin as an extraordinary animal scientist. She is truly a remarkable woman and has given so much to the livestock industry. After watching the movie on HBO I also realized what an amazing mother she had as well. In the Washington Post interview I particularly like Dr. Grandin’s response to the question on whether she is a vegetarian.
3. Senators Kerry and Lieberman have introduced a new climate change bill on Capitol Hill (i.e., the American Power Act). See additional commentary on the bill here and here. The Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) has also published a Climate Change Indicators Report that is worth noting.
4. Since it’s National Beef Month, I will need to make back to Peter Luger’s in Brooklyn for a sirloin steak. I haven’t eaten there for years and it will be my way of celebrating the American Farmer.
5. Another reminder that the Humane Society of the United States (“HSUS”) is not an umbrella organization for your local animal shelter. If you want to support your local animal shelter, please send a donation to it directly. The American public is still confused on what HSUS really is.
6. For those of you in the agriculture industry that are job hunting, please read this.
7. Thank you to those of you who participated in the online discussion of the movie Food Inc. last month. This agriculture law blog linked to this PBS special on “Food Inc. – A Nebraska Point of View.” You can also review the views of the movie from the American Agri-Women here. Did you watch Food Inc.? What were your thoughts?
8. In case you missed it, the EPA announced the settlement of the Chesapeake Bay lawsuit (Fowler v. EPA) in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia (read the settlement agreement here and new federal strategy for restoration of water quality in the Bay here). Meanwhile, Cargill settled its E. coli suit.
9. In the aftermath of California’s Proposition 2, this post reminded me the real cost of cage free egg production.
10. I am happy to hear about Elanco’s work with Micotil.
11. Discussions on direct payments and the next Farm Bill are taking place on The Hill.
12. I think this is a great resource center on the Average Crop Election Revenue (“ACRE”) Program.
13. Listen to Rep. Jim Costa speak to the House on the Dairy Price Stablization Act.
14. As some of you know, I recently read Jonathan Safran Foer’s book titled “Eating Animals.” On page 201, Foer states that “[l]ess than 1% of the animals killed for meat in America come from family farms.” This is a gross misreprentation — in fact, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (“USDA”) Economic Research Service (“ERS”), 98% of farms today are family-owned (link provided by Sarah Hubbart from the Animal Agriculture Alliance in the online Google Wave book discussion). Read Andy’s Angle on the terms “family farm” and “family-sized farms” here.
15. The USDA has extended its deadline for the Farmers Market Directory to June 4th .
16. Is a collection agency hounding you? Some reminders on what it cannot do.
17. Several years ago while I interned for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) in D.C., I attended the Animal Agriculture Alliance (“AAA”) Stakeholders Summit. Read about the experience there at the AAA summit from this Kentucky farm girl.
18. I am interested to learn more about Garden Africa‘s work in Southern Africa’s urban areas. Food security in developing countries is a passion of mine. Closer to home, it is great to see kids in urban areas like Baltimore get involved with agriculture within their own metropolitan community.
19. This is an interesting post about an obesity discrimination case under the New York City Human Rights Law.
20. For you equine folks, this is a useful “Horse Insurance 101” blog series (on Private Horseowner’s Liability (“PHO”) Insurance, farm or ranch insurance policy, Custody, Care and Control Insurance, Commercial Equine Liability Insurance, and Special Event Liability Insurance).