Monday Links

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Food & Ag Law

I hope all my readers had a nice weekend- beautiful weather out east.  I went to Virginia last weekend and stayed on a beautiful farm with a friend from Texas A & M who is currently living in Washington D.C. 

I have some Monday links that you might enjoy:

1.  Is anybody else considering switching to the iPhone 4G?  I have to admit that I have been drooling over it for months.  I am excited to start video conferencing with clients and colleagues.  I have also been considering going Mac completely. 

2.  This blog has some nice reminders for agriculture producers and agribusiness owners who hope their children/grandchildren will take over the family business. 

3.  Sometimes it is helpful to bring a friend when visiting with your attorney.

4.  A friend of mine here in New York City had a problem with this.  If it happens to you, contact a landlord-tenant attorney licensed in your jurisdiction.   

5.  When I decide to tie the knot, I plan on registering for student loan payments; however, I also really like this idea.

6.  New York City cat owners might find this post interesting.  Although, it is hard for landlords to know what really happens behind closed doors.

7.  I enjoyed reading this post discussing the differences between medicare and medicaid. 

8.  For those of you who live in the state of New York and plan on going boating this summer, I would read this.

9.  I spoke to a father recently who was being denied parenting time.  This is what could happen if a custodial parent repeatedly denies visitation.  From the same blog, I thought these divorce statistics were interesting.

10.  I thought this was an interesting post about required overtime pay for some types of salaried employees. 

11.  This was a nice post about what to do if you are bitten by a dog- either on or off the farm.

12.  I liked this post about New York LLC operating agreements regarding funding and while this post is helpful for New York agribusinesses who hire independent contractors.

13.  I have had several email conversations with Ben Schorr and he’s the expert on Outlook for lawyers.  I am hoping to read this book soon and reorganize my Outlook.  The book could also be helpful to agribusiness owners.  My love for Outlook is the #1 reason why I’m hesitant to go completely Mac (see #1).  

14.  New York law regarding pet trusts was changed recently to account for the entire life of companion animals.

15.  Did your agriculture employer make you sign a non-compete clause?  If so, think twice about emailing your social media contacts when you leave your job.

16.  I know a lot of people who think swapping services is a great way to avoid Uncle Sam.  That just isn’t the case.

17.  I liked this post on the environmental benefits of genetically modified crops.

18.  The American Bar Association (“ABA”) Section on AntiTrust Law has a new Agriculture and Food Committeee

19.  I enjoyed this post (as morbid as it sounds): “Are You Planning To Get Hit By A Bus?”  You are never too young to think about an estate plan.

20.  Finally, this post made me miss my own “cow dog,” Taylor, while this blog “puts a face on the plate.”

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