My Presentation on Embryo Transfer Contracts for Cattle

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Speaking Engagements

Howdy from the Lone Star State!  I’m speaking today on Embryo Transfer Contracts at the Texas Bar CLE Agriculture Law Conference at Texas Tech University, School of Law.  Please find my below presentation and follow along with the outline here.  In my presentation, I give a general background on embryo transfer in the cattle industry (although used in other species to a much lesser extent).  I then talk about 3 main kinds of contracts:  (1) Recipient Agreement, (2) Breeder Agreement, and (3) Flush Agreement.  I also talk about general provisions to think about with any of the transactions, including international contracts, and give some practical pointers to attorneys who wish to add this to their practice.

[slideshare id=18381797&doc=draftingetcontracts-130407235014-phpapp02]

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