New York Agri-Women To Host Reception and Tours in NYC June 16-18th

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology

I’m very excited to announce details of the first annual reception and New York agriculture spotlight hosted by the New York Agri-Women on June 16-18th.  Several representatives from the national organization American Agri-Women (“AAW”) (@Women4Ag) will be zippng up to NYC after their annual legislative efforts on Capitol Hill.  New York Agri-Women is the new state affiliate of AWW and we’re looking forward to having a wonderful three days here in NYC to enjoy the city, network with one another, and highlight New York agriculture.

The tenative schedule is as follows (links to Facebook events):

Wedesday, June 16th – Welcome New Yok Agri-Women ReceptionA reception will be held at the apartment of Mitzi Perdue on Fifth Avenue (Upper East Side in Manhattan).  There will be heavy hors d’oeuvres served.  Cocktail attire is suggested.  You must RSVP for this event at and it will be limited to the first 75 guests that RSVP.

Thursday, June 17th (Morning – Time is TBA) – Tour of Hudson PinesNew York Agri-Women will be visiting one of the most beautiful Simmental cattle operations in the country right here in our very own Westchester County.  The group of ladies will be taking the train up to Terrytown, New York and getting a tour of the historic cattle operation owned by the Rockefellers in Sleepy HollowPlease make sure you RSVP by June 1st so we can help coordinate travel from Grand Central Station and give Hudson Pines Farm the proper headcount.


Thursday, June 17th (Early Afternoon – Time is TBA) – Tour of Brooklyn Community Gardens:  Meredith Modzelewski (@MeredithMo) will be helping coordinate a tour of the community gardens in Brooklyn, New York for a glance into urban agriculture.  Please make sure to RSVP by June 1st so travel can be coordinated for the group from Westchester (likely Metro North to Grand Central and then subway).

Thursday, June 17th (Late Afternoon – Time is TBA) – Tour of NYC Port of Entry:  New York Agri-Women will be getting a tour of an inspection station here in NYC.  The Customs & Border Protection Agency has very tight security for this event so an RSVP by June 1st is a must.  Please send an email to and include personal statictics.  Make sure you bring your identification for the tour.

Friday, June 18th (Morning – Time is TBA) –  Behind the Scenes Tour of Union Square Farmer’s Market:  I have previously blogged about my love for farmers markets and how important they are to connect the urban consumer to those who produce the food.  New York Agri-Women will be visiting my favorite farmers market right here in Union Square – the very heart of Manhattan.  The organization will get a behind the scenes look into what makes this farmers market so special. 

If you want to RSVP for any or all of the above events, please feel free to email (and/or RSVP on the Facebook events page).  New York Agri-Women could also use some help getting the organization off the ground so send an email if you are willing to help dig-in.  As I noted here, you can find New York Agri-Women both on Facebook and Twitter.  We are also collecting donations to help fund our website.  And please plan to attend the Finger Lakes Wine Tour on April 17th.

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