Online Mediation
In addition to taking a myriad of live, in-person trainings, Cari is a trained mediator in Online Dispute Resolution (“ODR”) and online mediation through Cari is able to conduct the entire mediation virtually using technologies such a Zoom, GoToMeeting, Skype or FaceTime. Mediation can also be via telephone instead of a video chat.
But I'm New to Technology...
That’s okay, we are all learning. Rincker Law is happy to do a “test run” with you before the session to make sure you are comfortable with the choice of technologies. We can show you a few tips such as using the chat function and turning the video off and on during this technology overview session with a Rincker Law team member.
What can we mediate?
Cari is a trained mediator in both family/matrimonial law but also commercial and community mediation. Cari is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Illinois teaching mediation in diverse practice areas. She has a true passion for resolving disputes outside of the courtroom and embraces technology as a mechanism to help facilitate those resolutions. Cari is able to conduct online mediations in family law, divorce and prenuptial agreements but also a wide range of commercial disputes such a business law, animal issues, employment law and food/agriculture law.

Is it More Expensive?
Online mediation is not more or less expensive than in-person sessions. Cari charges the same hourly rate whether she is in person or online. Some might feel that online mediation is cheaper and more efficient than in-person mediation sessions.
Can I Still Speak Privately to the Mediator?
Cari is still able to caucus and meet with the parties separately during this process. This can be requested by the mediator or the parties and may take place via the videoconference or teleconference technologies. Everything said during a private session to the mediator is confidential.
Is the Mediation Session Limited to Parties Only?
The “virtual mediation room” is not small. These online mediation sessions can take place either with or without attorneys or third party support persons in the room. All participating parties must sign a confidentiality agreement.
How Do I Get Started?
You can start the process with a consultation or you can dive right on into the first session. If a mediator at Rincker Law, PLLC meets with one party during the consultation then we will allow individual time for the second person at the agreed hourly rate. Please email the consultation form to to set-up a consultation.
Zoom Instructions
GoToMeeting Instructions
Zoom Guide for Lawyers
Evaluation for Parties
Consultation Form
Preliminary Questions for Mediation Eligibility
Confidentiality Agreement
Mediation Chapter in Onward and Upward
Is Mediation Right for You?
Mediation Services Brochure
Cari’s Guide to Working with Rincker Law
Divorce Mediation Intake Sheet
Online Communication Tools for Co-Parents
Rincker Law Booklet for E-FIling