Legal Guides

“Overview of Intellectual Property Law Affecting Farmers, Agri-Businesses and Food Entrepreneurs”
American Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Webinar

“Counseling Farmers, Ranchers, Agri-Businesses and Food Entrepreneurs on Insurance”
American Bar Association Continuing Legal Education Webinar
Legal Articles

Cari Rincker, "Business Partnerships: Should You Gamble with the Default Rules?" the Register (May/June 2023), Vol. 36, No. 8 at 22-23.

Cari Rincker, "Estate Planning Survey Says! Part Two" Angus Beef Bulletin, January 4, 2021, Vol. 13, No. 12

Cari Rincker, "Estate Planning Survey Says! Part Three" Angus Beef Bulletin, February 3, 2021, Vol. 14, No. 1

"Part I: Survey Says! Current State of Farm and Ranch Estate and Succession Planning for Attorneys," by Cari Rincker, Illinois State Bar Association Section on Trusts & Estates (December 2021), Vol. 68, No. 6

“New York Livestock Animal Cruelty Law: What If A Non Police Officer Comes Knocking?”
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Cayuga County’s Ag Alert!

“New York Livestock Animal Cruelty Law: What if a Non-Police Officer Comes Knocking?”
New York Farm Bureau, Grassroots

“Protect Your Brand: Trademarks for New York Food and Agriculture Operations”
New York Farm Bureau, The Legal Edge

“More Than A Handshake: Why the Beef Industry Needs Written Embryo Transfer Contracts”
Illinois Beef & New York Beef Producer

“More Than A Handshake: Embryo Transfer Contracts for the Livestock Industry”
Country Folks (Eastern Edition)

“What New York Livestock Producers Should Do When a Peace Officer Comes Knocking on Their Barn Door”
The Legal Edge

“The New York Agriculture Producer’s Guide to FOIA and FOIL: How to Get the Information You Need From Government Agencies”
Legal Edge

“Livestock Producers Should Build Their Case Against Farm Animal Cruelty Charges”
New York Beef Producer & New York Simmental Association Newsletter