Reminder: New York Farm Bureau’s Animal Welfare Conference this Thursday

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Conferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations

I wanted to remind all my blog readers about New York Farm Bureau‘s animal welfare conference this Thursday, October 15th, at the Clarion Hotel in Albany, New York.  A myriad of livestock animal welfare issues will be discussed.  I will be a panelist for the day speaking about livestock animal cruelty laws in New York with Richard McNally, a former New York prosecutor.  We will primarily be discussing criminal laws requiring livestock producers to give their animals “necessary” food, water, shelter, and veterinary care.

David Martosko from the Center of Consumer Freedom and Kay Johnson Smith from the Animal Agriculture Alliance will be featured speakers.  At the end of the conference, the panel will discuss certified humane food labels.

You can find more information about the conference here.  If you haven’t registered, it is not too late.  For those of you who cannot make the conference, the event will be video-taped.  I’m looking forward to meeting livestock producers from New York so if you will be in attendance please make sure you come introduce yourself!

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