Overview of Equitable Distribution in New York

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

New York courts in a matrimonial action uses the term “equitable distribution” to describe how the assets will be divided between the two spouses.  The term “equitable distribution” refers the equitable (not necessarily equal) distribution of marital assets upon a divorce.   (When I tell my clients that the court divides things “equitably” not not necessarily “equally” I get a …

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Overview of the “No Fault” Divorce Ground in New York

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

As a matrimonial attorney, I receive a lot of questions about “no fault” divorce law.  No fault law in New York did not remove the need for a “ground” in order to be divorced.  In other words, New York has been and still is a “grounds” divorce state. Until October 12, 2010, there were only six grounds for divorce in …

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Fridays With Cari: Getting Divorced in New York

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law, Fridays with Cari, Rincker Law Events, Webinars

We’re here.  The last Fridays with Cari webinar (in this series) will be on Friday, February 24th from 2-3pm.  I will be giving an overview of the New York divorce process.  I will briefly explain court procedures, stages in litigation, the differences between contested and uncontested divorces, grounds for divorce, no fault divorce law, conversion divorce, the Child Support Standards …

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