Similar to Albany and other counties in New York State, Westchester has taken convictions of animal abuse extremely serious and require those convicted to register with an animal abuse database. The Westchester law requires all persons 18 and older who are convicted to an animal abuse crime to register with the database within ten days of conviction or released from …
Animal Abuse Registry in Orange County, New York
Orange County became the most recent county in New York State to require those convicted of animal abuse crimes to register in a database. Orange County calls this requirement Rocky’s Law, named after a dog that was left by its owners outside in the snow for five weeks without food or water. The law requires all convicted animal abusers to …
Animal Abuse Registry in Albany County
Albany County has enacted perhaps the toughest of the animal abuse registry requirements of all counties in New York State. Albany requires that all person convicted of animal abuse crimes who are 16 or older register with the registry within five days of sentencing or being released from incarceration. Each registrant is required to pay an annual fee of $50.00, …
Animal Abuse Registry in Suffolk County
In 2010, Suffolk County became the first county in New York State to require offenders convicted of animal abuse crimes to register with a database. The law requires that all convicted offenders 18 and older register with the database within five days of being sentenced or being released from incarceration. The law does not apply to juvenile offenders or to …