Liability in Highway Accidents Involving Livestock

Rincker LawAnimal Law, Food & Ag Law

There was an interesting article on page 5 of the May 16, 2011 edition of County Folks by Jay Girvin, Esq. of Girvin & Ferlazzo, P.C. about whether a livestock owners can be held liable if their animal wanders off their farm and causes a highway accident.  You can review the full article online here. Mr. Girvin accurately noted that …

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Farm Lease Considerations

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Even though a landowner might be leasing his or her farm to family members, neighbors, or friends, it is highly suggested that the terms of the lease be memorialized in writing.  This is particularly important since oral contracts involving a tenancy in land are not enforceable. There are several issues that should be discussed between the landowner and tenant.  In …

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