Client Cosmolex Portal

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Rincker Law, PLLC has been using Cosmolex for the last year.  Cosmolex offers an opportunity for us to have a Client Cosmolex Portal.  Client invoices, court pleadings, and correspondence is saved into your Cosmolex portal.  You are also able to upload documents into the portal to send them to us.  This can work great for confidential documents such as tax …

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How to Handle Virtual Will Signing Ceremonies in Illinois with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Rincker Law Estate Planning Leave a Comment

Not long ago, it was necessary for people to appear in person when signing a will. However, like many things, COVID-19 has changed the way that things are done. This is certainly true in the case of witnessing and notarizing documents related to estate planning. Today, you are far more likely to attend a virtual will signing than you are …

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Ask Cari: Q & A on Farm/Ranch Estate and Succession Plan

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How can the property and finances be split if a succession plan is Not in place? If you don’t have a plan in writing with a Last Will and Testament, Trust and/or business formation documents (e.g., Operating Agreement or Bylaws) then the law will decide for you.  Everybody has an estate plan- it’s what the “default rules” are in your …

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3 Minute Survey on Farm Estate Planning

Rincker Law Estate Planning, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I am working on a video series on farm estate, business and succession planning.  I would like to get a better feel for what is actually happening in this arena in agriculture.  I have a quick 26 question survey on the topic and it would mean a lot to me if you would take a few minutes to answer these …

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Asset Protection for Entrepreneurs

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Going into business for yourself is a risky endeavor. From investing in goods and services and hiring employees to simply carrying out the daily tasks related to your business, each step is fraught with risks. This is especially true given the litigious nature of our society. As a result, many entrepreneurs employ asset protection strategies. Asset protection is a form …

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Conversation Starters for Farm and Ranch Estate & Succession Planning Discussions

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I was speaking a few nights a go to a crew of cattlemen about how to start the conversation with family members on estate and succession planning.  I recommended  that if the conversation is particularly challenging to  start to consider hiring a mediator (or even a virtual mediator) who understands agriculture to move  the conversation along; however, what has worked …

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In the House Bored? Cari’s Top 3 Tips for Getting Your Estate Plan Organized

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As I noted in this video blog, for those looking to accomplish something (important) from home during the COVID-19 stay-at-home order, here are three things that you can do to get your estate planning documents up to date: Organize Your Documents One tip is to have an emergency document or “cheat sheet.” That way, all of your key information is …

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Ask Kym: How Can I Legally Protect My Wishes if I am Hospitalized and My Family Cannot Visit due to COVID-19?

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I have already heard of several cases from family, friends, and colleagues about family members (even spouses and children) being restricted from seeing patients affected by illness and COVID-19.  This is extremely sad because loved ones in comas or other dire circumstances are unable to be comforted by their family and friends.  They are also unable to communicate their wishes …

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Add Farm Estate Planning on Your Farm’s “To Do” List

Rincker Law Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

I was recently interviewed by Illinois Farmer on farm estate planning, which remains a hot topic in agriculture.  I’m passionate about getting estate and succession planning on your “to do” list and to treat it like any other deadline in your life.  Read the full article here.

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6 Considerations for Passing Down a Family Business

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You have spent years building your small business, but have you taken time to consider what will happen to it when you retire, become disabled, or pass away? Although it is often hard to fathom an event that may not occur for many years, it is important to put plans in place in advance. The failure to do so could …

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NALC Fact Sheet: Farm Succession and Estate Planning Concerns in a Divorce

Rincker Law Family/Matrimonial Law, Food & Ag Law Leave a Comment

Oftentimes folks who are getting a divorce, do not think about estate planning concerns but this is an especially important issue for multi-generational farm and ranch families,  Read my fact sheet with the National Agriculture Law Center on this very topic here.  All of the family law issues in agriculture Fact Sheets can be found here.

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