Can I Remodel My Own Estate Planning Documents?

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Estate planning is one area that often goes unexamined and neglected. Is it time to remodel your estate plan? If so, is that something that you can (or should) do on your own? Small Estate Planning Updates Upon reviewing your estate planning documents, you may notice a number of seemingly small issues that need to be addressed, but you may …

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What Are the Estate Rights of a Child Born Outside of Marriage?

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Despite the prevailing view, children born to unmarried parents are commonplace. Historically, children in this category were treated poorly by both society and the law. In many cases, they had no right to inherit from either parent. This legal scheme eventually changed and provided means for these children to inherit from their mothers, but rarely their fathers, until the late …

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Benefits of Having Your Business Donate to Charity

Rincker Law Estate Planning 4 Comments

Giving money to charity might seem counterintuitive to those running a for-profit company. However, it is important to keep in mind that charitable giving can not only make a big difference to the recipients of your generosity, but it can also provide a net gain to your business. In addition to the potential tax advantages of charitable giving, donations have …

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Simultaneous Deaths: What If My Spouse and I Die at the Same Time?

Rincker Law Estate Planning 2 Comments

The chances of a married couple dying in a common accident or within a very short time of one another are probably quite slim. However, it does happen. And it happens frequently enough that most states have laws to address the issue and the problems that can arise from simultaneous deaths. What are these laws, why do we need them, …

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Myths and Frequently Asked Questions Planning After Landing Your New Job

Rincker Law Employment and Labor Law, Estate Planning Leave a Comment

Myth: When my employer hands me a beneficiary designation form for my employer-provided life insurance policy or gives me the link to complete the form online, it is optional and not a priority. This is false. When you are asked to complete a beneficiary designation form, you need to fill it out as soon as possible. If you were to …

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How the Employee Onboarding Process Can Affect Your Estate Plan

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Starting a new job is an exciting new chapter in your life. Depending on your company’s onboarding process, there can be a lot of moving parts. You may feel overwhelmed by the introduction and review of the many different types of employee benefits. Not only are there forms to be filled out, they need to be filled out properly to …

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Protecting a Loved one Who Is, Will Be, or Has Been Incarcerated

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It is natural to want to protect our loved ones no matter what. However, you may be finding it difficult to provide a prosperous future for your loved one if that person will be, is, or has been incarcerated. Unfortunately, this event will forever change your loved one’s life, but with the right planning, you may still be able to …

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Wills, Trusts & Dying Intestate: How They Differ

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Most people understand that having some sort of an estate plan is a good thing. However, many of us do not take the first steps to get that estate plan in place because we do not understand the nuances between a will and trust – and dying without either. Here is what will generally happen if you die, intestate (without …

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Discretionary Trusts – How to Protect Your Beneficiaries from Bad Decisions and Outside Influences

Cari Rincker Estate Planning Leave a Comment

Although leaving your hard-earned assets outright to your children, grandchildren, or other beneficiaries after you die may seem like the easiest and most desired form of distribution, this scheme will make their inheritance easy prey for creditors, predators, and divorcing spouses.  Instead, consider using discretionary trusts for the benefit of each of your beneficiaries. What is a Discretionary Trust? A …

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Wondering Whether You Need to Update Your Estate Plan?

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Yes, You Do, and Here’s Why Please allow us to be frank. It’s unrealistic to think that a piece of paper you draft, reflecting your life at a certain time, will work when your life has completely changed some years later. We’ll use the Kendrick family as an example. Meet the Kendricks Meet Bill and Karen Kendrick. They got their …

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Questions to Ask When Hiring a Fiduciary

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A comprehensive estate plan consists of several documents that accomplish three important things. First, they lay out your wishes for the handling of your money and property during life and at death. Second, they explain your medical wishes if you are no longer able to make them yourself or communicate them to others. Third, they list the trusted individuals you …

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Five Reasons Business Owners Need Estate Plans

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Business owners are notorious for engrossing themselves in the day-to-day management and functions of their businesses. As a business owner, you are likely the heart and soul of the company you lead. Your clients love you, and you have built unique relationships with your contractors and suppliers. Suppose, however, that tragedy strikes: You, as the business owner, are in a …

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