Animal Law News

Rincker LawAnimal Law

I was reviewing the November Update from the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”) Committee on Animals and the Law today and thought there were a few posts that I wanted to mention. 1.  This article illustrates some cases in New York that would fall under felony animal cruelty (a.k.a. “Buster’s Law”). 2.  Though I do not recommend that people …

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NYSBA Committee on Animals and the Law: Fourth Annual Student Writing Competition

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations

As I have previously noted in this blog, I am on the New York State Bar Association’s (“NYSBA”) Committee on Animals and the Law (“CAL”).  On this Committee, I assist with the annual Student Writing Competition.  For all you law students out there, the deadline for the Fourth Annual Student Writing Competition is June 30, 2011.  The first place winner …

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NYSBA Animal Law Pamphlet Available Online

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

The New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”) Committee on Animals and the Law (“CAL”) has developed a helpful pamphlet summarizing New York animal law (including both farm animal and companion animal law).  It is available online here.  In addition to farm animal cruelty statutes previously discussed on this blog, the pamphlet shines light on two companion animal laws here in New …

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New York Animal Law Webcast Available Online

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

As some of my readers might recall, I am on the Committee on Animal Law (“CAL”) for the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”). The webcast from the CAL annual meeting is now available online.   If an attorney would like to recieve MCLE credit, NYSBA members can pay $75 and nonmembers can pay $125.  There are also materials available for download online from …

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Thanksgiving Thoughts

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Food & Ag Law

It’s a beautiful crispy fall Thanksgiving Day here in New York City.  This city is always filled with so much hustle and bustle but today this city is peaceful.  There are a lot of families walking around here on the Upper East Side.  Can’t help but be reminded about what is important in life and what I am thankful for. …

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NYSBA Animal Law Committee Newsletter Available Online

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Last spring, I was appointed as a member of the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”) Committee on Animals and the Law.  The Committe published its first “Laws & Paws” newsletter last month which is available online here.  The October newsletter contains an update of hot topics in animal law, an article on teen animal cruelty, a summary of Convention on International …

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Animal Law Student Writing Competition

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I am a member of Committee on Animals and the Law (“CAL”) for the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”).  Last spring, I was appointed as a member of the subcommittee for the Student Writing Competition.  The subcommittee is pleased to announce the Third Annual Student Writing Competition.  The deadline for submission is …

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Results from NYSBA Animal Law Student Writing Competition

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

This past year, I was appointed on the Committee on Animals and the Law for the New York State Bar Association (“NYSBA”).  As part of my Committee responsibilities, I am on the sub-committee for the student writing competition.  The sub-committee is Chaired by Jessica Sonenshein from Proskauer Rose LLP and Vice-Chaired by Liam Castro from Koehler & Isaacs LLP.  Only …

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