Meditation Retreat for Lawyers

Rincker LawUncategorized

I was quoted in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal about the mediation retreat for lawyers that I attended last month at the Garrison Institute.  An attorney friend here in New York City talked me into attending a few months ago after I was complaining to her about stress.  The retreat was at the Garrison Institute in Garrison, New York (near West …

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That Pesky Student Loan Debt and Divorce

Rincker LawFamily/Matrimonial Law

In case you missed it, I was quoted in this Wall Street Journal article talking about premarital student loan debt and divorce (and admitting my law school debt load).  In a marriage, everything fits into one of three buckets:  separate property for each spouse and marital property.  Debt also fits into one of these buckets.  In New York, property and …

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