Thanksgiving Thoughts

Rincker LawAg-vocacy, Food & Ag Law

It’s a beautiful crispy fall Thanksgiving Day here in New York City.  This city is always filled with so much hustle and bustle but today this city is peaceful.  There are a lot of families walking around here on the Upper East Side.  Can’t help but be reminded about what is important in life and what I am thankful for. . .

1.  I am thankful that I am an agriculture attorney and get to do what I love.  Not everybody is so lucky to do something they are passionate about.   I feel blessed that I am able to help farm families to ensure the tradition passes down for generations to come.

2.  I am thankful that I grew-up in a loving home and farm family where hard-work is a way of life.  I am looking forward to going home over Christmas.  I miss the barn-smell and my dog.  It’s also been a while since I have gotten my carhartts dirty.

3.  I am thankful that I live in New York City.  It is a beautiful, diverse city that is always somewhat magical around the holidays.  I need to go ice skating in Bryant Park next month and see the Rockefeller tree.  I also need to make it to a Broadway show next month.

4.  I am thankful for supportive family and friends.  I am thankful that my family is healthy and well.

5.  I am thankful for my pets as they bring joy to my life.  My cat, Felicity, is here in NYC with me.  I got her in an animal shelter in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  My parents currently have my other two pets– my golden retriever, Taylor, and my tabby cat, Basura.  I am thankful that I am able to serve companion animals as an attorney and participate in the New York State Bar Association Committee on Animals and the Law.

6.  I am thankful for NCBA‘s Young Producer’s Council (“YPC”) that is still in its first year.  It is great to watch so many young cattle folk get involved with NCBA.  I am particularly thankful for the bloggers on YPC Cattle Call.  The bloggers have worked extremely hard and in just a few short months the blog is now a “must-read” among cattle producers.

7.  I am thankful for all the supportive lawyers out there, especially those of you in the tri-state area.

8.  I am thankful that I am a Fightin’ Texas Aggie… and hope the Ags “beat the hell outta t.u.” today in football.  (Note:  Aggies call the University of Texas “t.u.” because Texas A & M University (“TAMU”) was the first state university in Texas– “austin” must also be spelled in lower case.  It’s one of the many traditions of TAMU).

So what are you thankful for today?

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