“The World is Run By Those Who Show Up”

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations

“The world is run by those who show up.” – Robert Johnson

I gave the below presentation last spring at the New York Agri-Women Second Annual Meeting so I thought I would share.  I am oftentimes reminded of this quote and believe it is applicable in nearly every aspect of life.  For those of you who are volunteering your time for a food or agriculture organization, don’t underestimate the value of your time and ability to make a difference.  It’s also a valuable lesson for those growing a food or agri-business who are spending time at networking functions and educational activities.  And perhaps my favorite example — it’s applicable to your family and friends.  In everything that you aspire to do, remember that the world is run by those who “show up.”

[slideshare id=13344461&doc=thisisourorganization-120615172041-phpapp02]

I am the Founding Member of New York Agri-Women.  I was very excited to pass the torch to Becky Snyder of Cargill Nutrition last spring and looking forward to the future of the organization.  I met Becky a few years ago at a New York Simmental Association meeting and I’m very thankful for her willingness to lead the organization.  I started the organization about 2.5 years ago.  I poured everything I had into getting New York Agri-Women up and going and it was a worthwhile effort.  Very thankful for all the amazing women I have met throughout the state.  If you are interested, please follow New York Agri-Women on Facebook and Twitter.

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