Uncontested Divorces
Cari Rincker is passionate about resolving divorces out of court. Especially when children are involved, Cari feels strongly that families should do what they can to help transition their family without the use of court intervention - doing so, can help promote strong co-parenting relationships later on.
Cari takes pride in her create problem-solving and negotiation skills to help architect a parenting plan and an economic settlement that fits the needs of each individual family. Education is important to Rincker Law, both internally and externally - we want to make sure our clients are well-informed and understand the process each step of the way.
An uncontested divorce
An uncontested divorce does not mean that the parties agree on everything - in fact, parties can disagree on everything and still have an uncontested divorce. What makes a divorce uncontested is one word - court. Cari and her team will aim to help these clients resolve matters without seeking court intervention. Doing so requires teamwork and creative thinking if the parties are at an impasse on certain issues but over the long term (for most cases) uncontested divorce settlements lead to the best results for each unique family putting them in the drivers seat on what is best for their lives instead of a third party in a contested trial or hearing setting.
The uncontested divorce route can also be significantly cheaper reducing unnecessary litigation expenses. Informal or formal discovery can still be performed outside of court having the parties exchange important financial information assisting them in making the decision best for their family.

Meetings with Cari and Her Team
Cari takes pride in her efficiency and draftsmanship with both parenting plans and Marital Settlement Agreements. Rincker Law, PLLC can assist in drafting the uncontested divorce packets for clients required for the dissolution of the marriage. They can also assist clients in drafting Quit Claim Deeds and Domestic Related Orders needed to help enforce some of the terms of the economic agreement.
Cari is on-call to be a teammate for you during this process. Depending on geographic limitations, Cari can meet in person or via video conferencing technology via Zoom. Cari aims to keep clients informed both in writing but with oral conversations via telephone or video-conference. Cari believes strongly that her role is to help educate clients about their rights and the process each step of the way.

Amicable Divorce Network
Cari Rincker is part of the Amicable Divorce Network (ADN) for both Illinois and New York. You can learn more about the Amicable Divorce Network here. In order to become a member of AND, Cari was vetted for her years of experience as a family law practitioner and for her ethical billing practices. She was recommended by peers in both Illinois and New York to be a member of this forward-thinking process. Cari completed training to be a member of this group and has joined a community of like- minded professionals around the country.
Divorces through the Amicable Divorce Network are a type of an uncontested divorce where both parties retain attorneys qualified through the Amicable Divorce Network, focused on following unique plan on resolving the matter outside of court. ADN divorces are different than collaborative divorces, allowing party participants more autonomy and providing a more economic, streamlined process.
With over 14 years of experience as a family law litigator, Cari has firsthand knowledge about what the court system can do and cannot do for families. She is passionate about solving problems and moving transitioning families from one chapter to the next without the need to seek judicial intervention. Especially when children are involved, going to war in court does not foster a healthy, co-parenting relationship. Additionally, the uncontested model allows for families to save significant time, monies and emotional energies that may be spent during a prolonged litigation process.
Not every case is appropriate for ADN or an uncontested path but most are - in fact, Cari recommends that families at least start with an uncontested model where both parties are committed to accomplish as much as possible before entering a more traditional, contested process, involving the court. If you believe ADN or an uncontested model may be right for you then please reach out to cari@rinckerlaw.com to learn more about it.