Will Be Attending NCBA Summer Conference Next Month

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology

I am looking forward to attending the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) Summer Conference Denver, Colorado from July 28-30th.  In addition to my activities with Young Producers’ Council (“YPC”) I am a voting member on the Agriculture Policy, Property Rights and Environmental Management and the International Markets Committees for the New York Beef Producers Association.  If you haven’t registered already you can find the registration form here.

Make sure to follow my tweets from the conference (@CariRincker and @RinckerLaw).  I believe the official hashtag for the conference will be #NCBAConf10.  You can also follow my tweets relevant to young cattle producers with the #YPCbeef hashtag.  Hopefully we can plan a “tweet-up” there in Denver during the conference.

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