Ask Ruth: Egg Sales in Illinois

Cari RinckerFood & Ag Law

Generally speaking, there are two ways an egg producer can sell their flock’s eggs in Illinois.

Under Illinois law, producers can sell eggs produced by their own flock directly to household consumers for their personal use without a license or inspection if the eggs are sold directly from the premises where the eggs are produced.

If, however you wish to sell eggs from your own flock off the premises where the flock is located, you are first required to obtain an Illinois Egg License from the Illinois Department of Agriculture.

Licensing Procedures

The Illinois Department of Agriculture will issue a license to any person upon receipt and approval of a proper application and the required nonrefundable fee. A license must be obtained for each separate business location and this license shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the location for which it was purchased. Licenses are non-transferable. The licensing year for an egg license runs from July 1 through June 30. The egg license will expire at the end of the licensing year and must be renewed before July 1 to avoid any penalties. If your flock is smaller than 3,000 birds, you may apply for a “Limited” Producer-Dealer license. However, if you flock is larger than 3,000 birds, you will have to apply for a “Full” Producer-Dealer License.

The licensing and inspection of facilities that sell, serve or process eggs, are handled by the Illinois Department of Agriculture Egg Inspection Program, Division of Food Safety & Animal Protection. Before your initial inspection, you will need the following items:

  1. Candling light;
  2. A scale for weighing your eggs;
  3. New cartons for selling off the farm or to retail establishments;
  4. Refrigeration of 45 degrees Fahrenheit or less with both storage and transportation capabilities; and
  5. USDA/FDA Approved Cleaner/Sanitizer. Wash water needs to be at least 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

Additional Requirements

All eggs sold off the premises where the flock is located, must be candled and graded and held at or below a temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit.

In addition, each container of eggs offered for sale must be labeled showing grade, size, packer identification, candling date, and an expiration date that is no later than 45 days from the candling date for grade A eggs.

All eggs must arrive at the retail outlet in new, consumer-sized packaging.



For additional information contact Cari Rincker at

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