Back from Nebraska

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Social Media and Technology

Happy Columbus Day!  I’m back from the great state of Nebraska where I attended American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Conference.  I listened in on the break-out sessions discussing Confined Animal Feeding Operations (“CAFO’s”), wind and solar farms, crop insurance, agriculture liens, and animal rights.  Industry experts gave updates on a myriad of agriculture law issues including food law, environmental law, water law, land use, the Farm Bill, agriculture bankruptcy, and taxation.  I will try to post summaries from the sessions over the next few weeks.

AALA had their largest attendance this year.  Over 80 law students all over the country attended this year.  That is very exciting news for the future of the agriculture industry.  If you are a law student (or future law student) interested in practicing agriculture law, I highly recommend attending the conference.  Through generous donations, AALA has a scholarship fund available to assist law students with registration and travel expenses.

Next year’s conference will be held in Austin, Texas.  I am quite fond of the Austin – Hill Country area in Texas.  Since I completed my undergrad at Texas A & M University, I always love getting back to breathe in some good ol’ Texas air and eat some southern BBQ.  Should be a great conference.

As an aside, I met Prof. Peggy Kirk Hall from The Ohio State University, College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, who teaches an undergraduate agriculture law course.  She authors an Ohio Agriculture Law Blog that I recommend.

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