Beef Policy: Follow the New York Beef Producers’ Association Legislative Updates

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Food & Ag Policy, Social Media and Technology

I am on the New York Beef Producers’ Association (“NYBPA”) Government Relations Committee with Nicole Tommell from Fonda, New York.  Together we have started a Facebook page to start keeping the membership updated on state and local policy that may affect New York beef producers.  You can also follow the legislative alerts on Twitter @NYBeefLeg.  I will also be blogging here from time-to-time on New York agriculture policies that may specifically affect the beef industry.  If you are interested in joining the NYBPA Government Relations Committee and/or want to send us information, please email

Additionally, New York Farm Bureau, New York Agri-Women, and New York Beef Industry Council are all on Facebook.  I suggest following their feeds for information affecting the New York beef industry.  I also post some legislative updates on the firm’s Facebook and Twitter pages.  I also recommend following @BeefUSA on Twitter.

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