Why You May Still Have to Open a Legal Probate Proceeding

Cari Rincker Estate Planning Leave a Comment

Probate is the legal process for recognizing the validity of a person’s will after their death and appointing the nominated decision maker. This person, also known as an executor or personal representative, administers the deceased person’s estate and ensures that their money and property are transferred to the beneficiaries specified in their will. If someone dies without a will, probate …

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What to Know about Limited Liability As You Grow Your Business

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Starting a business involves a certain amount of inherent risk. There are no guarantees that the founders of a company will get along, a product or service will sell, or market conditions or competitors will not create unforeseen problems. While entrepreneurs must be willing to take a leap of faith, there are steps they can take to reduce risk, both …

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Five Things to Know Before Including a Limited Liability Company in Your Estate Plan

Cari Rincker Business Law, Estate Planning Leave a Comment

When it comes to protecting your hard-earned money and property, it is important that you have the right plan, which can include a number of tools for your unique situation. One tool that might benefit you is a limited liability company (LLC) that owns some of your accounts and property. What is a limited liability company? An LLC is a …

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Pass-Through Taxation: What You Need to Know

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Most US businesses have a pass-through taxation structure: they are not subject to corporate tax. Instead, they have their income “pass through” to their owners to be taxed on their individual income tax returns. Pass-through businesses have simpler filing and a lower tax rate than C corporations because they avoid double taxation. Pass-through business owners must pay self-employment taxes, however, …

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Most Common DIY Contract Mistakes

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

Small business owners often wear many hats. On any given day, they might dabble in customer service, human resources, accounting, bookkeeping, and legal matters. Resilient, confident, and flexible by nature, entrepreneurs often welcome the challenge to learn new skills by working outside of their core competencies. But for some matters, not working with an experienced professional can be counterproductive. Contracts …

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Why a Trust Is the Best Option to Avoid Probate

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Ideally, when someone passes away, the paperwork and material concerns associated with the deceased’s passing are so seamlessly handled (thanks to excellent preparation) that they fade into the background, allowing the family and other loved ones to grieve and remember the deceased in peace. In fact, the whole business of estate planning—or at least a significant piece of it—is concerned …

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Ask Cari: What You Should Know About Issuing Stocks

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The ability of a company to issue stock is a crucial element of modern capitalism. Selling stock, which represents an ownership share in a company, allows companies to raise money for growth and expansion. Stock options are also used as an employee incentive, especially in the startup phase. C corporations are the only entities that issue stock. Other types of …

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Ask Cari: Why Deathbed Planning Might Give You Additional Grief

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None of us likes to think about our own death or enjoys planning for that occasion. However, if you do not create an estate plan or fail to update it regularly, you are likely setting your loved ones up for even more stress and grief after you pass away. It may add to your own stress and impede your peace …

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Can Artificial Intelligence Programs Write Basic Estate Planning Documents?

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With the increased coverage of artificial intelligence (AI) and all of the applications it can have in our everyday lives, some people may wonder whether an AI program can create an estate plan for them. While AI may be able to generate basic estate planning documents, including wills and trusts, there is no guarantee that they will be valid and …

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How Far in Advance Can I Begin My Estate Planning?

Cari Rincker Estate Planning 1 Comment

You can create your estate plan at any time, but many people choose to begin the process sooner rather than later. Why? Because you never know when life-changing medical or financial emergencies can strike that will require someone else to manage your affairs during your lifetime. When Should You Start? When to start planning for your estate depends on your …

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Changing Your Business’s Legal Structure

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Over time, your business can undergo significant changes. What may have started as a humble, one-person operation can grow into a more complex company, with multiple owners, employees, an evolving mission statement, and increasing risks. As the scope and goals of your business shift, an accompanying change in business structure might be warranted. There are many reasons to consider changing …

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What Do I Do If I Want to Undo My Revoked Will?

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When life circumstances change, you may alter the decisions you have made in your estate planning documents. You might choose to revoke your will at some point. But what if you have a change of heart and want to reinstate it? There are different ways to revive a revoked will. Reviving Your Old Will Depending on your state law, you …

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