How to Pay Yourself When You Own an LLC

Cari Rincker Business Law 2 Comments

One significant advantage of organizing your business as a limited liability company (LLC) is the flexibility it affords. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows LLC owners to choose how their business will be taxed. As an LLC owner, you can be taxed as a sole proprietorship (if you are the LLC’s  sole member), a partnership (if your LLC has two …

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Why it is Important to Have a Corporate Formalities Checkup for Your Business in Illinois

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

Most people don’t have to be reminded about having annual checkups at the doctor and dentist’s office. However, it’s not unusual for those same individuals to ignore the need for annual corporate formalities checkups. This is an especially critical practice for smaller businesses that don’t have an in-house legal department. If you’d like to ask for a corporate formalities checkup …

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Business Insurance: Protecting Your Business from Unexpected Losses

Rincker Law Business Law Leave a Comment

As a small business owner, you have invested large amounts of time and money to make your business a success. Business insurance protects this investment in the event of unexpected damage to property or lawsuits, which could otherwise be devastating to your business. There are many types of insurance available depending upon the nature of your business. Worker’s compensation insurance …

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