Ask Cari: Tips for Selling Your Business to an Outsider

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

You have spent years building your business, but at some point, the time will come for you to sell the company and exit. While many business owners choose to keep the company in the family, that is not always realistic. Family members may not have the interest or skills needed to run the business. In such cases, selling the company …

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Ask Cari: How the New Corporate Transparency Act could Affect Your Small Business

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

Small businesses have been rushing to better understand the implications of the newly enacted Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), which entered into effect on January 1, 2024.  The CTA applies to over 32 million businesses in the United States, including many companies that filed a document with any secretary of state office.  The CTA includes a new reporting requirement for small …

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Business Licenses and Permits: What You Need to Know to Start Your Business

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

Small business owners are no strangers to government regulations. There are many requirements that businesses must be aware of and comply with, including business license and permit rules. Most businesses must obtain licenses or permits, so it is important for each business to know which ones it needs. Business operations are regulated at the federal, state, and local levels. Each …

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Most Common DIY Contract Mistakes

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

Small business owners often wear many hats. On any given day, they might dabble in customer service, human resources, accounting, bookkeeping, and legal matters. Resilient, confident, and flexible by nature, entrepreneurs often welcome the challenge to learn new skills by working outside of their core competencies. But for some matters, not working with an experienced professional can be counterproductive. Contracts …

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Ask Cari: How do I Better Understand my Business Liabilities and Assets?

Cari Rincker Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

Assets, liabilities, and equity are accounting terms that every small business owner should be familiar with. They are included on a business’s balance sheet, providing a snapshot of financial health. A balance sheet shows a company’s assets and liabilities at a given time and how money is flowing in and out of the business. This information is useful to owners, …

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Ask Cari: What Is a Series LLC, and Can I Use One?

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

The series limited liability company (LLC) is a type of business structure that allows a group of subunits called series to be owned in a tiered structure. At the top level is the “parent” or “umbrella” LLC. Below this are one or more “series.” Not all states allow series LLCs. In states that permit them, the laws vary on how …

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Hear Cari Rincker’s Interview with Pace Law School

Cari Rincker Business/Commercial Law, Divorce Mediation, Family/Matrimonial Law, Farm Law, Food & Ag Law, Food & Ag Policy, Interviews, Teaching, Virtual Mediation Leave a Comment

What was your path to law school? Did you always want to be a lawyer? When I was a very little girl, I wanted to be a lawyer but the truth was, I didn’t know many lawyers and I didn’t understand what they did. It wasn’t until I lived in Washington D.C. and interned in Capitol Hill in agriculture and …

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What Every Business Owner Should Know about Cash Flow Statements

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

Cash flow measures how much cash is flowing in and out of a business. A positive cash flow is one of the strongest determinants of a business’s success. It shows that a company can fund its debts and pay for immediate needs such as equipment and staffing, and also that it has enough money in reserve to invest or survive …

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Releasing Liability: What You Should Know Before Your Business Uses a Release of Liability

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law 1 Comment

Some activities are inherently risky. Visitors of certain types of businesses such as ski resorts, gyms, and amusement parks know there is a chance they could get injured when they engage in the activities those businesses offer. To protect themselves against potentially costly lawsuits, businesses can use a liability waiver to shift the risk from themselves to their customers. Liability …

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Legal Considerations As You Ramp Up Your Cybersecurity

Cari Rincker Business Law, Business/Commercial Law 1 Comment

The internet has been a game changer for small businesses, allowing them to reach new markets, hire nonlocal talent, and compete with larger companies. Not having an online presence where customers can discover and interact with your business is now almost unthinkable. You may also have remote team members and vendor partners that are vital to your success. But the …

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Safeguard Your Brand: Why Small Business Owners in NYC Should Consider Trademark Protection

Cari Rincker Business/Commercial Law, Intellectual Property 1 Comment

In the bustling and competitive landscape of New York City, small business owners and entrepreneurs face numerous challenges. Building a unique brand that stands out in the crowd is no easy task, but it is essential for success. One powerful tool that can help safeguard your brand identity is securing a trademark. Whether it’s a word mark or a design …

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How Your Lawyer Can Support Business Wellness in 2023

Cari Rincker Business/Commercial Law Leave a Comment

January is when we turn the calendar ahead to a new year that is full of hope and fresh opportunities. Recognized as Financial Wellness Month, January is an ideal time to set business goals for the upcoming calendar year. Achieving business wellness in 2023 can go a long way toward improving your overall physical health. Financial health and personal health …

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