How Does a Member Leave an LLC?

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The owners of a limited liability company (LLC) are called members. At some point, an LLC member may find that they want or need to withdraw from the LLC. That member, as well as the other owners of the LLC, may wonder how to accomplish this. To properly withdraw from an LLC,  there are a few key questions that the …

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Converting Your LLC to a Corporation: What You Need to Know

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The limited liability company (LLC) is one of the most commonly used business entity types. For many businesses, forming an LLC provides significant benefits, including flexible ownership arrangements and governance, as well as strategic tax planning. However, as a business develops, it sometimes becomes necessary to consider whether the way the entity is organized best facilitates the company’s future growth. …

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Meeting Minutes: What They Are and Why Every Business Needs Them

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When starting a business, many entrepreneurs jump immediately into day-to-day operations. They often struggle to make time to develop systems for documenting how decisions are made. However, failing to keep a written record of the factors that lead to business decisions can increase the risk of liability if things ever go awry. As a result, it is best practice for …

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What Are Corporate Bylaws and Why Do You Need Them for Your Corporation?

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law 1 Comment

If you are in the process of starting a corporation, there are many important legal documents you must create and abide by to comply with your state’s laws and ensure that the corporation will operate efficiently. Corporate bylaws are one of the most critical documents to have in place. Bylaws lay the corporation’s foundations and include important information that your …

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Stay Bonus Agreements: What They Are and How to Use Them

Rincker Law Business/Commercial Law 1 Comment

A stay bonus agreement, also referred to as a retention bonus agreement, is a written agreement between a company and a key employee to induce the employee to stay with the company. Understanding the definition and purpose of this type of bonus agreement is critical for both business owners and employees. A stay bonus agreement is a contract between a …

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Selling Your Small Business: What You Should Know

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Determining whether to start a business is a major life decision. For small business owners, deciding when and how to sell the business is arguably even more consequential. Before selling a business, the owner is likely to spend many hours and even days worrying and considering the options: Is the market right? What price should I set for my business, …

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Protecting Your Rights as a Shareholder

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If you are considering purchasing shares in a company, do you understand the potential risks as well as the perks? What are the rights and privileges of a shareholder? And how do you protect these rights once you have them? Before becoming a shareholder, review the shareholders’ agreement carefully with the help of a lawyer. The shareholders’ agreement typically provides …

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Can (and Should) My Business Mandate the COVID-19 Vaccine for Employees?

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Just a year ago, businesses across the United States shuttered temporarily in response to the novel coronavirus. Some of these businesses could not weather the virus storm and closed for good. Now that  COVID-19 vaccines are available, many businesses are wrestling with deciding when to resume in-person operations and bring their staff back full-time. At the time of writing, 1.5 …

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What Is a Promissory Note and When Should I Use One?

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You have probably heard the term promissory note, but do you understand what a promissory note is and when one can and should be used? A promissory note is simply a written promise to repay someone who has loaned you money. More specifically, it sets forth the terms for repayment of a loan on or by a specified date. A …

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How to Use Customer Testimonials Legally

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Where do you find a good plumber? Who can recommend a good Italian restaurant? Who is the best divorce attorney in town? Sometimes these answers are found by asking family, friends, and neighbors, but many people find answers to these questions on social media and review sites such as Google, Yelp, Amazon, Facebook, and TripAdvisor. Customer reviews and testimonials are …

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Strategies for Protecting Your Business’s Intellectual Property

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Before launching a business, entrepreneurs spend a substantial amount of time and money researching and developing their products or services. You may have worked with graphic designers and a marketing team to create a brand name and logo for your products or services. As the business grows and your products or services take off in the marketplace, competitors or counterfeiters …

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Key Considerations for Noncompete Agreements

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Companies grow by investing time and money in various resources, including their employees. Yet business owners are often anxious about losing their investment, i.e., the time they spend training new hires and the confidential information they share with their new employees. Once confidential information is shared, there is a risk that an employee will leak the company’s trade secrets to …

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