This photograph was taken at the Allegany County Fair last month. I judged the open beef show. Congrats to Ken & Jeanne White from Simme Valley Simmentals for having my Grand Champion Heifer.
I hope all of my readers had a wonderful Labor Day. I had a great time at the New York State Fair over the weekend with my father. You can find several of the pictures that I took during the open beef show on my Twitter page (@CariRincker).
I always gain a newfound passion for the food industry every time I attend a county or state fair. It’s good for your soul. I believe strongly that hard work teaches kids to be good people. After watching and talking to these young people, I am excited for the future of the agriculture industry. Let us all continue to support our local 4-H and FFA program.
I want to take a moment and thank all of the people in every segment of the food industry whose labor feeds us all. Whether you are a farmer, food processor, grocery store clerk, meat butcher, agriculture graphics design company, ag lobbyist, or street vendor in NYC – thank you for what you do for the food and agriculture industry.