Divorce mediation is a type of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) which is the process for settling divorce disputes without litigation and with the assistance of a neutral third party. It involves working together in a cooperative manner that provides the best possible outcome for both parties.
Are you wondering if divorce mediation is a good option for your divorce in Champaign? There are definitely benefits to mediating your divorce.
The Benefits of Divorce Mediation
If you are trying to keep your divorce expenses down, then divorce mediation would be a good option because it is way more cost-effective than going through the litigation process and spending hours in court.
Mediation allows both parties to come to an agreement on terms of the divorce and therefore, the amount of time spent on the divorce and legal fees are substantially reduced.
Divorce mediation helps you learn how to communicate in a productive and respectful manner that puts the best interest of your children first. Furthermore, the communication techniques that are learned during divorce mediation often continue to carry over even after the divorce.
Divorce mediation also provides the flexibility to have a more creative solution; whereas, the courts are more structured and abide by statute laws.
The outcome of a mediated divorce agreement is that it allows both parties to have more respect for the agreement because they were both a part of the process.
If your goal is to be officially divorced as soon as possible, then mediation will help you get one step closer to finalizing your divorce. Divorce mediation usually allows for a much quicker divorce versus a long, drawn-out divorce in court. Parties can move at the pace they choose to go.
How to Access if Divorce Mediation is Right for You
Communication is a key element of divorce mediation, so it is essential that you and your spouse are on speaking terms. It is also important to be able to keep your emotions in check and be willing to take accountability for creating and respecting the terms of your separation agreement.
Consult an Experienced Divorce Mediation Attorney for More Information
If you are unsure if you should mediate or litigate your divorce, schedule a consultation with Rincker Law at (217) 531-2179 to get your divorce questions answered and move forward with creating a separation agreement that is best for you and your children.