Interviews with Ag Producers

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Interviews, Social Media and Technology

I have been active posting interviews with New York Agri-Women and NCBA Young Producer Council members on other blogs over the last few weeks.  In case you missed it, please check out my interview with:

  • Cheryl Hellert, a Farm Credit East assistant from Albion, New York;
  • Karen Barie-Keough, Cargill’s Northeast Region Retail Leader from Jamestown, New York;
  • Diane Eggert from the Farmers Market Federation of New York;
  • Karen Maher from the Liberty Farm in Gilboa, New York;
  • Doug Ferguson, a Cattle Call blogger for YPC and a rancher from Beatrice, Nebraska;
  • Landi McFarland from Hoover Angus Farm in Ellston, Iowa; and
  • YPC Chair Ben Spitzer, the Marketing Program Director for the International Brangus Breeders Association in San Antonio, Texas.

 I will try to cross link my posts from other blogs here from time-to-time.  However, if you haven’t done so already, I recommend subscribing to the RSS Feed for both the New York Agri-Women Blog and the YPC Cattle Call BlogI prefer to use Google Reader for my RSS blog subscriptions so I can check for new blog posts when I have time.  Google Reader is very user friendly and gives me the ability to search blog entries that I subsribe to using key word search terms.  If you are an iPhone user, I recommend downloading the NewsRack application for your RSS Feed (Byline is my second choice).  The application makes it easy to read, share and save your favorite blogs. 

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