The COVID-19 pandemic has made co-parenting harder than ever. What happens when divorced co-parents have different views of online learning?
For instance, it is not unusual for one household to be far more structured than another household. This means that the kids might be accustomed to having breakfast at a certain time so that they are ready to be on their computers at the appointed hour.
Even after school lets out for the day, these kids may follow strict rules with regard to getting their homework done before they start playing.
Sometimes, things are really different at the other parent’s house. The time for getting up and getting ready for school may not be set in stone here, and the children may find that they aren’t always ready to be on their computer when it’s time for school to start.
Perhaps the other parent isn’t quite as diligent about helping with schoolwork or ensuring that everything is getting done.
This is the perfect situation for creating parenting disputes.
Of course, the problem isn’t just with online learning. Parenting disputes also might arise during the pandemic over visitation, cleaning practices, wearing masks or attending large gatherings.
What can you legally do if you believe that your ex-partner isn’t taking COVID-19 restrictions seriously enough?
It may be wise to seek legal advice from an experienced family law attorney. Sometimes, it is possible to obtain emergency custody orders, especially if you believe that your child’s health is at risk when they are at the other parent’s home.
Several alternatives for complying with visitation are available. For instance, it may be possible to temporarily postpone in-person visits or to use phone calls and Zoom or FaceTime virtual visits instead. This also can be a good time to trade letters, cards, drawings and photographs through the mail.
What Happens When Parents Can’t Agree on These Measures?
Then it’s time to bring in an attorney who can provide common-sense advice. Consultations are available via telephone or a virtual meeting platform so you can keep your family as safe as possible.
While there is no guarantee that the parents can come to an agreement or that a judge will agree that the child’s health truly is at risk in the other parent’s home, your child’s safety is definitely worth the effort.
Contact Rincker Law at (217) 531-2179 to learn more about how to handle parenting disputes during the pandemic.