I took this photo of a buffalo herd while roadtripping through South Dakota with my dog, Taylor. Beautiful countryside. (c) 2011
Seems like just yesterday I was driving across South Dakota with my dog Taylor before starting Rincker Law, PLLC and this blog. It’s been a great ride so far. Big thank you to my friends, family, colleagues, contract attorneys/legal assistants, clients and blog readers for all your support.
It’s been a busy year indeed. Over the last year, I am very thankful to have been honored as a Distinguished Alumni of Lake Land College (“LLC”) (read about my experience at LLC here), selected for the American Cattlewomen (“ANCW”) National Beef Speakers Bureau (“NBSB”), elected President of New York Agri-Women (“NYAW”), elected as the Secretary/Treasurer of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) Young Producer’s Council (“YPC”), and profiled in the ABA Journal. My work on the YPC social media guides has caught industry attention (we are currently working on a LinkedIn Guide for cattle producers).
I have had a busy spring with speaking engagements including the New Jersey State Bar Association (“NJSBA”) Annual Meeting, New York Farm Bureau (“NYFB” Animal Welfare Symposium, and NYFB Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Leadership Conference. Additionally, I am also in the middle of a family/matrimonial law seminar series for mental health professionals. I hope to have webinars available for the agriculture industry this fall/winter.
On the technology front, I have become an Apple-using attorney (“MacLawyer”) now using an iMac, iPhone, iPad (great for the courtroom), and Macbook Pro. Even though I have found a few glitches in my system transfer, I have been very happy with my Apple products and customer service. I have also entered the world of Skype. I gave it the college try on my first video blog (hopefully more to come) and have been experimenting with WebEx in the animal & agriculture production law & policy course that I am currently enrolled in. I am considering using WebEx for a platform with clients, Ag Book Club chats, and webinars.
And- I almost forgot- within the last year I became NCBA Beef Quality Assurance (“BQA”) certified.
In case you missed it, here are a few of my favorite blogs over the last year:
1. I recently wrote an article on embryo transfer contracts for the livestock industry. I feel very strongly that the agriculture industry needs a shift in business culture putting agreements in writing. Embryo transfers/flushes are no exception.
2. Does your sale abide by the “suggested sale terms” from your livestock breed association? Make sure there is a meeting of the minds and put the terms of the agreement in writing. As a caveat, pay attention to silent “suggested sale terms” (e.g., semen’s ability to freeze) that may be material.
3. When is the last time you had fence maintenance on your farm? This blog delves into a livestock owner’s potential liability with highway accidents.
4. This post gives an overview of state laws relating to livestock space. So what is next?
5. Some folks really enjoyed this post regarding the role of a buyer’s attorney in a real estate closing.
6. One of my personal favorites – this post memorializes why I think prenuptial agreements are romantic.
7. I highly suggest seeking counsel before entering into a wind lease.
8. Dr. Temple Grandin is on a short list of women that I look up to most in the livestock business.
9. When is the last time you updated your employee handbook?
10. Are you trying to decide what business structure is best for you? Read this previous post first.
11. Are you considering getting divorced in New York? Here is an overview of the new “no fault” divorce law.
12. Why I am proud to be a member of the agriculture industry.
13. Knock, knock. “Who’s there … and do you have a warrant?” How New York livestock producers should handle visits from non-police officers.
14. We are half-way through the 2011 tax year. Have you thought about charitable deductions?
15. So what do you think is the most important issue affecting the agriculture industry?
16. I feel very passionate about succession/estate planning for farm/ranch families. So when is the last time you had *that* conversation?
17. Don’t just be thankful on Thanksgiving. Why are you thankful?
18. How to find the right attorney for you (Part I and Part II).
19. Don’t just complain. You can help change the law.
Thank you to for your loyal readership! Seems like just yesterday I was celebrating my one-year blogging anniversary. Looking forward to a fantastic year three.