Managing the Stresses of Farm and Ranch Life

Rincker LawFarm Life 1 Comment

I have really resonated with this blog by agriculture social media guru Michele Payn-Knoper about breaking away from work to enjoy time with family.  I related to this in my own life because for the last year I have poured myself into building my law practice.   Not only is “the law a jealous mistress” but it takes a lot of time to run a growing business.  The farm girl in me certainly knows how to roll up my sleeves and work hard; however, I know that in the last year I have not dedicated enough time to just enjoying life — whether it be running in Central Park, visiting a museum, attending a cattle show, or visiting friends and family.  It is always good to push for goals with everything you have but Michele’s blog reminded me that you can still do that while living a balanced life.

And I think this is much too common in farm and ranch families as well.  Part of the reason why I love and respect the agriculture industry so much is the hard work that it requires.  Michele’s blog stresses the importance of agriculture families finding people they trust to take care of the farm or ranch so they can make time for vacations.

So I challenge you to take a break from the stresses of the farm and make some time for life.  I am judging a county fair today in Brooklyn, Connecticut and then will be driving to Nantucket for a weekend of R & R on the beach with a few friends from New York City.  Looking forward to having a nice weekend on the water before fall arrives.  Have a nice weekend!

New York Farm Net also has some information on stress management on the farm that is worth a look.

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