My Presentation on Livestock Judging

Rincker LawRincker Law Events, Speaking Engagements Leave a Comment

This is no April Fool’s Day Joke.  I know that this is a food and agriculture law blog but I figured some of my readers might be interested on my presentation on how to judge livestock – specifically, beef cattle, swine, and meat sheep.  I judged competitively at Lake Land College and Texas A & M University in undergrad and enjoy judging cattle shows at the local, state, and national level.  In fact, I’m heading up to Ontario in 2 weeks to judge the Canadian Youth Forum beef cattle show.  I prepared this presentation for the Oneida County 4-H Club– I’ll be talking to members and parents this Saturday.  You can find the flyer for the workshop here.

[slideshare id=17963925&doc=overviewoflivestockjudging-130331154523-phpapp01]

As an aside, I am available to judge county fairs this summer throughout the Northeast.  I always enjoy working with the youth and livestock.

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