To piggy back on this post announcing that this blog made the ABA Journal Top 100 Blawg List, I thought it would be appropriate to list a few of my favorites. Here are my top 10 (in no particular order):
1. Equine Law Blog – Alison Rowe, a fellow agriculture attorney, is an exceptional writer and brilliant equine lawyer in Texas. I follow her blog regularly and recommend it to anyone involved in the horse industry.
2. Marler Blog – Bill Marler is the industry expert on food safety issues.
3. Tax Girl – Tax Girl, whose blog is now found at, is one of my personal favorite. She’s a sassy legal genius who has a clever way of making tax law (dare I say it) “fun.” (Ya know, one of my favorite law school professors taught Federal Income Tax. Maybe tax lawyers aren’t so boring after all…).
4. iPhone JD – This blog isn’t just for lawyers — it contains very useful information to anyone running a business from an iPhone.
5. Corporette – If you follow my tweets from @CariRincker then you that this blog is my guilty pleasure. If you are a female looking for advice on business fashion, this is a must.
6. Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog – I’m pretty passionate about estate planning for farm families and have always found this blog to be insightful.
7. Employment and Labor Law Insider – This blog recently rose to the top of my list. Robin Shea does a nice job blogging on these topics.
8. 3 Geeks and a Law Blog – If you have been following my blog and tweets for a while, you may remember that I like this blog. It contains valuable information on law practice management (and technology in general).
9. Koehler Law – Even though this is a food and agriculture law blog, I wanted to go ahead and share this criminal law blog because I have enjoyed it so much over the last few years. I don’t practice much criminal law so I suppose I live vicariously through Jamison Koehler. I find this practice area so fascinating.
And for my final selection (drumroll please…..)
10. My Shingle – I have to admit, this blog has been a longtime favorite of mine… and I got chills when I finally met Carolyn Elefant in person last year in New York City. A few years ago when I was an associate at a law firm in Wyoming, I was homesick for New York City yet I wanted to be an agriculture attorney (hmmm…..). I began dreaming about how I could make this a reality. I did lots of Googling and read a few books. Somewhere along the way I stumbled across this blog and have been following it ever since. I specifically remember a blog post that she wrote about how when you go into business for yourself, there is no more glass ceiling. This blog inspired me and helped give me the vision for my law practice. I have since told Carolyn all of this and I hope that I can be equally inspiring to someone to follow their dreams. I am especially grateful for the opportunity to help other entrepreneurs in the food and agriculture industry to help make their dream reality.
As a reminder, the ABA Journal is taking votes thru December 30th. It only takes a few seconds to register and you can vote for 12 of your favorite Blawgs. Would love yours!