National Agriculture Law Update

Rincker LawConferences and Meetings, Food & Ag Law

TAT_1839-EditHappy Columbus Day!  Had a great time in Tennessee last Friday as the Keynote Speaker for the Tennesee College of Law’s Agriculture Law & Policy Symposium.  Like true Cari Rincker style, I have a substantive outline from my presentation.  It’s on my JD Supra page here.  It covers a myriad of agriculture law issues including the 2014 Farm Bill, Waters of the United States, Syngenta GMO litigation, GMO labeling , Country of Origin Labeling, food safety, raw milk, Food Safety Modernization Act, “Ag Gag” legislation & Idaho litigation, Veterinary Feed Directive, medical marijuana, and immigration.  It’s looonnng… so grab a cup of coffee and happy reading!

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