NBI Webinar: Estate Planning for Farmers and Ranchers

Rincker LawEstate Planning

If you read this blog regularly, you know that I'm passionate about farm families having an open dialogue about estate planning. It needs to be an ongoing discussion as goals/objectives of various family members change. If you haven't done so, please sit down over a warm cup of coffee and have *that* conversation with your family.

The National Business Institute (“NBI”) will be having a substantive webinar on October 3, 2012 from 11:00am to 6:00pm ET (that’s no typo – it’s a 7 hour webinar…).  It’s a little pricey for a webinar but if you are interested in this topic (like me) then I think it’ll be worthwhile.  Topics for the webinar include the following:

(1)  Goal Setting;

(2)  Life Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Retirement Planning;

(3) Income and Gift Tax Planning;

(4) Non-Tax Estate Planning Considerations;

(5) Agriculture Use Valuation;

(6) Planning for a Gradual Transfer Within the Family;

(7)  Business Succession Planning for the Family Farm C-Corporation (including a choice of entity discussion);

(8)  Transfers Upon Death and Key Estate Administration Concerns; and,

(9)  Planning for the Heirs/Beneficiaries.

Kudos to NBI for putting together an excellent webinar.   If you are hesitant about giving up a day of your life for the webinar, NBI also sells recordings.  Although the discussion will be geared towards attorneys with a basic to intermediate understanding on estate planning, non-attorneys are welcome to attend.  As my readers know, farm/ranch estate and succession planning is a passion of mine.  “A failure to plan is planning to fail.” (Great quote and oh so true…).

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