Photos From the Outstanding Early Career Award Ceremony at TAMU

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As I noted in this blog post, I received the 2012 Outstanding Early Career Award along with Rachel Cutrer from Texas A & M University’s College of Agriculture & Life Sciences.  You can watch the video from the award ceremony here.  I have posted a few photos from the event below.

Myself, Rachel Cutrer and Cady Auckerman from TAMU (My supervisor when I interned in Washington, DC)

Myself, Rachel Cutrer and Dr. Chris Skaggs (My livestock judging coach when I was at TAMU). Dr. Skaggs is on a short list of people I admire most professionally. He's such a rockstar...

"Why thank you. Thank you very much."

With the great Rachel Cutrer from Ranch House Designs - feel honored to be a co-recipient with her.

I'm proud to be a Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2002

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