My Presentation on “Getting Paid” at the American Agriculture Law Association Annual Meeting

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Links and Online Resources, Slideshare Presentations, Speaking Engagements


Had a great time at the American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) Annual Meeting this past week.  I moderated a roundtable discussion on “Getting Paid:  Billing and Collection Strategies for the Food and Agriculture Lawyer.”  My presentation has none of the answers – only the questions!  However, I did provide a substantive outline for the attendees that is located here. The background materials give a nice overview of the types of billing practices, including Alternative Fee Arrangements, developing processes to make the law practice for efficient, picking the right clients and managing client expectations.  It also discusses the survey results from two different surveys performed by Rincker Law, PLLC.  I hope this information is beneficial to food and agriculture lawyers.

[slideshare id=40645604&doc=gettingpaidpresentation4-141023111423-conversion-gate01]

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