Register for the Upcoming Food Labeling CLE to Help Counsel Farmers, Food Entrepreneurs and Restaurants

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law, Webinars

I’m super excited about an upcoming Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) webinar that I will be moderating for the American Bar Association (“ABA”) General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division’s (“GPSolo”) Agriculture Law Committee next month on food labeling law for farmers, food entrepreneurs and restaurants.  We will be covering a lot of information in this 2 hour webinar and hope it will serve as an excellent educational opportunity for lawyers, law students and the general public.  Members of GPSolo and American Agriculture Law Association (“AALA”) can attend at the member rate of $145.00.  Law student discounts and financial hardship scholarships are available upon request.

The webinar will be held on May 30, 2013 from 2-4pm ET.  We have a great faculty crew including:  Dr. Stan Benda, Jason Foscolo, Alan A. Fowler, Prof. Erin Hawley, Leon Letter, Lindsey Peebles, Amy Salberg, and Jean Terranova.

This food law CLE will cover a myriad of food and alcohol labeling issues affecting food entrepreneurs, restaurants and agriculture producers that sell direct to consumers.  Specifically, the CLE will cover the following issues:

– Labeling of fish, meat, poultry and eggs (including meat and egg grades)

– labeling of alcoholic beverages

– the Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act

– FDA “Front of Package” (“FOP”) labels

-Nutrient claims

– the USDA National Organic Program (“NOP”)

– oftentimes misunderstood food descriptions such as “natural”, “healthy”, “local”, “cage-free”, “free-range”, “pure”, “fresh squeezed”, “grass-fed”, “pasture-fed”

– USDA Process Verified Programs

– USDA marketing claims

– FSIS animal raising claims

– cottage food operations (or home-based kitchens)

– Genetically Modified Organisms (“GMO’s”)

– kosher and halal labeling

– labeling in a restaurant (including health claims, nutrient content claims, dietary guidance, and ready-to-eat foods)

Exciting, huh?  Yeah, I think so.  I’m very happy to see ABA’s support for outstanding educational opportunities like this one for attorneys and law students interested in food law.  For those of you who are interested in the CLE, please register here.

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