“Social Media 101”

Rincker LawFood & Ag Organizations, Social Media and Technology

The Angus Journal had an article this month titled “Social Media 101” that mentioned that social media guides that I helped develop for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (“NCBA”) Young Producer’s Council (“YPC”) (@YPCBeef) along with a great crew of volunteers.  You can read my previous post on the guides here.  You can also find the guides on my JD Supra page for Twitter, Facebook, and Blogs.  Special thanks to Ranch House Designs (my web designer) for working on the design for the Facebook and blog guides for YPC.

YPC is currently developing a guide for LinkedIn.  If you are interested in volunteering, please contact YPC’s new PR gal, Jesse Bussard (@cowgirljesse).  The guides are geared to cattle producers but most information is applicable to folks involved in various industries.

In case you missed it, the YPC Cattle Call Blog moved this spring.  Please update your RSS Feed.  If you are a YPC member (or supporter), please make sure to join our Facebook group.

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