Cari Rincker Talks Mitigating Risks with AgriTourism

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Excited to participate in the virtual agritourism conference sponsored by EscapeMaker.  My presentation was on tools to mitigate risk with agri-tourism including business entities, insurance, general releases and liability waivers, contracts, and labor law issues.  Proud to be a part of the 14 women speakers on this important topic.

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Outline on Various Local Food Law Issues

Rincker LawSpeaking Engagements

I am a panelist next month in Tennessee and “Agritourism, CSA’s and Direct to Consumer Sales.”  This outline was prepared for this panel. It contains both New York and Tennessee nuances. It discusses statistics re local food from the USDA Census of Agriculture and delves into Community Supported Agriculture, Farmers’ Markets, Agrotourism, Volunteer Farm Labor and Employment Law, On-Farm Poultry Slaughter, …

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AgriTourism: A Few Considerations

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

I am a huge supporter of farms and ranches generating additional income through agritourism — not only does this help generate additional monies for an agriculture operation but it can serve as a way to help bridge the gap of understanding between city folks and producers.  However, as Craig Raysor (a.ka. @AgriLawyer) from Gillon & Associates, PLLC points out in …

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Ag Torts 101: Premise Liability

Rincker LawFood & Ag Law

Sorry that it’s been a while since my last Ag Torts 101 blog.  As a reminder, in this blog, I stated that a “tort” is a civil wrongdoing other than breach of contract.  Among the different types of torts, negligence is the most common tort among farms, ranches, and agribusinesses.  In this blog, I stated that the four common law …

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