Process for Obtaining a Guardianship in Illinois Over a Minor

Cari RinckerGuardianship law

In the State of Illinois, there are three types of guardianships of a minor. You can be the guardian of a minor’s person, a minor’s estate, or a minor’s person and estate. Regardless of which type of Guardianship of a Minor is needed, the process is typically the same. A Guardianship of a Minor’s Person is needed when a minor’s …

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Resolving Jurisdictional Disputes in Adult Guardianship Proceedings: The UAGPPJA

Cari RinckerGuardianship law, probate

Adult guardianship proceedings are complicated in their own right, but sometimes jurisdictional confusion adds an extra layer of difficulty.  There may be no question about the appropriate jurisdiction for an adult guardianship proceeding where all relevant parties have lived, and continue to live, in the same jurisdiction; however, such is not always the case given the increasing mobility of the …

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Illinois Guardianship Law: Differences in Guardianship over the Estate vs. Guardianship over the Person in Illinois

Cari RinckerGuardianship law

Being someone’s guardian can be an overwhelming new journey. Understanding what is expected of you in this new role is the best way to reduce any apprehensions so that you can care for your loved one in need. In the State of Illinois, guardianship is split into two separate types. Just like you need a Power of Attorney to appoint …

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